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Geocaching/TB Story!

[TB] Abby's Hello Kitty TB

by hamagun 2008. 7. 7.
Abby's Hello Kitty TB
Travel Bug Dog TagOwner: Clandoyle
Released: Saturday, April 05, 2008
Origin: Japan
Use TB21FGJ to reference this item.

How do Trackable Items Work?

Recently Spotted:  In the hands of hamagun

Current GOAL:  "Dance and sing in all the countries of the world"

About this item: Hello Kitty!
This TravelBug belongs to Abby, the youngest member of ClanDoyle. As stated, she would like Hello Kitty to dance and sing. We will settle for pictures of her travels, though. :)

사용자 삽입 이미지

실제보면 굉장히 이쁜 TB 오키나와에서 한국으로 넘어온지 얼마 안된 TB이다.
이처럼 목적없이 마냥 전세계를 누비기 원하는 TB들도 많다.
 이런것들이 이유없이 유실도 많다. 이쁘다는 이유로 ㅜ.ㅜ

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