My Canada Micro V2 Geocoin
Owner: DarnSocks
Released: Monday, October 22, 2007
Origin: Alberta, Canada
Use TB1N3D7 to reference this item.

Released: Monday, October 22, 2007
Origin: Alberta, Canada
Use TB1N3D7 to reference this item.
Recently Spotted: In the hands of hamagun
Current GOAL: This coin wants to go to Russia and visit a Russian hockey rink. Please help me reach my quest and take pictures so that my friends in Canada can share in the adventure.
About this item:
No additional details available.
이녀석은 사진을 안찍었다. -_-; (나중에 찍겠숨더)
아주 작은녀석이라 필름통에도 들어간다. 이쁘다 그리고!!! 제일 중요한 이쁘다!!
언제나 TB나 geocoin이나 목적이 있는데 어느 TB나 코인이나 월드 어드벤쳐 빼고는
목적 달성하는게 그다지 쉽지 만은 않다.
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