공릉동2 Gongneung station Gongneung station 공릉동을 완전 재정비... July 25 by hamagun(82 found) N 37° 37.548 E 127° 04.366 ** Coordinates Changed From ** N 37° 37.541 E 127° 04.368 Distance From Old: 43.7 feet move uper. and to easy. :) m4650 폰카라 화질이 그다지 안좋지마 그냥 쓸만은 하다.. 캐시를 박아놓은 곳인데, 알아보기가 힘들지만, 캐시 찾는 사람 입장에서는 이거 가져가면 충분히 찾는다.. 캐시 스팟 사진. 추가적인 힌트.라면 이정도다. 매우 결정적. -.-; (이 블로그에만 올려놓은 사진) 이전보다야 난이도는 3단계 하락 했다고 해야할까? 정말 쉽다. 찾는 자 입장에.. 2008. 7. 25. [Miss] Gongneung station Gongneung station Cache Logs July 14 by hamagun (76 found) 6/24, was checked when the cache was alive Today, when I went missing. Sorry. Wednesday the recovery in other location. [view/edit logs/images on a separate page] [upload an image for this log] June 28 by ugandajo (220 found) Couldn't find it. there is no gps signals and muggle was some muggles and I had wait more than 30 min but they to.. 2008. 7. 14. 이전 1 다음