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[Event] Signal visits South Korea

by hamagun 2010. 5. 18.

Event CacheSignal visits South Korea

A cache by Geocaching Korea     Hidden: Sunday, June 06, 2010

Size: Size: Other (Other)     Difficulty: 1 out of 5     Terrain: 1 out of 5 (1 is easiest, 5 is hardest)

Signal visits South Korea


Celebrating Geocaching's 10th Anniversary


What: Join fellow Geocachers and Signal the Frog as we meet in celebration of Geocaching's Tenth Anniversary.

When: Sunday, June 6, 2010, 12:00 Noon

Where: We will meet at the Han River Park at the posted coordinates. Look for the Geocaching's Tenth Anniversary banner.

Why: Help celebrate the 10th Anniversary of geocaching with Signal the Frog. There will be picture opportunities with Signal and more at other historical locations. Let's give Signal a warm welcome to the "Land of Morning Calm".

* Place this event on your watch listing  as more information on locations and transportation maps will be posted and updated.



이번 행사는 한국에서 의미가 큰 행사 입니다.
솔직히 스폰받을 곳만 많으면 성대하게 열수있었음 좋겠다. 
향후를 생각해보겠어요! 

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