TB34 [Event] 9/20 Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall Event Who: Everyone What: Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall Event Where: N 37° 33.731 ~ E 126° 56.067 (This is the meeting point and we'll seek shelter for the event). When: Saturday, September 20, 2008, 1300 hrs (rain or shine, we'll leave the area to head to the event location at 1330 hrs) Why: Meet and greet old and new faces, plan future MAIN ev.. 2008. 9. 16. [Event] 9/27-28 Paper, Pansori and BibimBab Paper, Pansori and BibimBab Welcome to Jeonju, traditional Korean City. Who.... Anyone want to know geocaching, to eat the Bibimbab When... 2008.09.28 09AM-05PM Where.. N35° 48.857, E127° 08.987 Why.... Meet Buddies, Share the KnowHow to find caches, Visit Paper Museum and Eat a delicious Bibimbab How.... In Seoul, Honam Highway>JeonjuIC>Route27>KyengKiJeon In Busan, Namhae Highway>DaejinHighway.. 2008. 9. 16. [TB] Korea Korea Owner: dts113 Use TB2A1T1 to reference this item. How do Trackable Items Work? Recently Spotted: In BUS STOP! / COIN STOP ! Current GOAL: Travel within Finland. "Cache and cache, and moving pictures, please." About this item: Go and ask for photos, all of a Cachers. Finland 마찬가지로 bus stop에서 시작되는 dts113님의 travel bug. 2008. 9. 2. [TB] Save courage Save courage Owner: dts113 Use TB2ABD5 to reference this item. How do Trackable Items Work? Recently Spotted: In BUS STOP! / COIN STOP ! Current GOAL: "And a trip to store pictures." About this item: Go and ask for photos, all of a Cachers. bus stop에서 시작되는 드래곤님의 TB. 2008. 9. 2. [WML] move to the another park. 8/15/2008 nonta placed it in Omiya Park Japan 13.9mi N [visit log] I am sorry to have saved for a long time. Goodbye, have a nice trip!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 늦게 숨긴게 아니라구요~ XD 8/31/2008 k-waka discovered it [visit log] HI! 8월 15일날 숨겨놨었는데 나한테 메일이 안왔었다 왜지? 그리고 이동은 아니지만 발견자 한명. 참고로 오미야 공원은 사이타마현 최초의 현립공원이라는데 경륜장 축구장 뭐 이.. 2008. 9. 1. [Story] TB 유실? Birthday 어제 친구를 만나려고 저녘에 (친구녀석 퇴근시간이 늦는 관계로) 쌍문동쪽에 갔는데, 그근처에 잠시 한옥마을에서 가져온 TB 녀석을 넣어두려고 birthday cache로 갔다. 이전에는 무식하게 7km나 산을 타서 넘어갔었는데 알고보니 쌍문역에서 200m도 안되는 거리였네 -_-; 그런데다가 지오제인이 미국가기전에 이곳에서다가 비행기 TB도 넣어놨으니 Trade 할겸 겸사겸사 방문했다. 똘똘한 멍멍이녀석도 쓰다듬어 줘야지. 헐 그런데 캐시안이 너무 텅텅 비어있다. TB는 물론 없고. 한참 고민하다가, 노트에만 TB 드랍한다고만 써놓았다가, TB는 그냥 가져왔다. 인터넷에만 지금 확인 부탁해달라고 써놓았고.. 나 이전에 지나간 사람이 없는걸 봐서는 주인집 아이들이 주섬 주섬 챙겨서 가지고 .. 2008. 8. 15. [TB] Abby's Hello Kitty TB Abby's Hello Kitty TB Owner: Clandoyle Released: Saturday, April 05, 2008 Origin: Japan Use TB21FGJ to reference this item. How do Trackable Items Work? Recently Spotted: In the hands of hamagun Current GOAL: "Dance and sing in all the countries of the world" About this item: This TravelBug belongs to Abby, the youngest member of ClanDoyle. As stated, she would like Hello Kitty to dance and sing.. 2008. 7. 7. Beth & Andy's Wedding Day Geocoin #1 Beth & Andy's Wedding Day Geocoin #1 Owner: RocksPharmer Released: Friday, December 21, 2007 Origin: Illinois, United States Use TB1HRGA to reference this item. How do Trackable Items Work? Recently Spotted: In Top O' Seoul / coin a junction Current GOAL: We will be placing this in Hawaii on our 1 year wedding anniversary trip!! The mission of this coin is to make it back to Illinois, but to vis.. 2008. 7. 6. Castle Man's Unnessary Bushwhacking Geocoin Castle Man's Unnessary Bushwhacking Geocoin Owner: Castle Man Released: Friday, October 05, 2007 Origin: California, United States Use TB1TCDA to reference this item. How do Trackable Items Work? Recently Spotted: In the hands of hamagun Current GOAL: Please move this coin from cache to cache. Let it see the world. PLEASE DO NOT KEEP IT. About this item: No additional details available 마찬가지로 cas.. 2008. 7. 6. 이전 1 2 3 4 다음